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COMMENTARY : Taking Charge

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COMMENTARY : Taking Charge

The current political climate in our nation, makes it ripe for change. We, the people want change, we want it desperately, but we are still not sure what kind of change it is we want or even how to attain that change.

Historically, when the people of a nation demand change it is because they have come to a common consensus that their best interests have not been the primary consideration of the government, therefore, it is time to take matters into their own hands.

In the Feudal System during the Middle Ages, the rich and royalty lived pampered lives on the backs of the common man - who had no hope of acquiring wealth or status. No opportunity for betterment was afforded to the vassal such as education or property ownership.

Further, the fees for land usage and taxes levied against the commoners positioned them in a never-ending state of want and poverty. However, one by one the commoners of each of these countries took a unified stand against the cruelty imposed on them and demanded a judicious government and a democratic state.

What was the rallying point for the pheasants who long to escape their heavy-handed lords? They rallied together with the hope of a better life and a bright future for themselves and their children. With hope as their rallying point, sweeping change was realised throughout Europe.

Today in Europe, there are still the rich and the poor, though the chasm between these two classes is not as deep and wide as it was during the days of Feudalism. More importantly, there is also the middle class that makes up the majority of the population. This middle class is also the ruling class now and uses its vote to influence government and legislation.

Every single one of us Gambian will acknowledge that something has to change in our nation. However, to this point we cannot seem to unify long enough to see significant change come about. If we cannot unify as one people, we will never be strong enough to usher in a better life and a bright future.

The nation's short attention span and transient memory allows the politicians to wreak havoc on our minds by inciting incidents that hit at our weakest areas - tribalism and fear. We allow these twisted minds to string our emotions along and give little or no thought to the consequences of falling into their trap once again.

Will we forever be a country divided by our weaknesses? If so, we will never be strong enough to usher in the change we so desperately want and need. It is as if we never learn from our own history. We cannot continue to allow ourselves to be governed by these weaknesses.

It is time to find our strength in the commonalities we share to build a strong and cohesive force by which to demand change. We need a rallying point. The key question is what will rally our nation to stand together as one people? If we are so blind to our own history, perhaps "We Gambia", can learn something from today's history lesson on Feudalism.

The politically trivial and economically poor vassals of the Middle Ages found their rallying point and achieved monumental change that has benefited millions of people even to this day. These great commoners did not have power or wealth on their side, but they did have large numbers and an undying hope.

Hope is the force that will unify us as One Nation. Hope will give us the courage to cast aside our tribalism and fear. Hope will empower us to bind us together as One People. It will be our rallying point. When we look at our flag, we will see hope. When we sing our National anthem, we will feel hope rise up within us as we overcome our trepidation to move as a single force toward One Destiny of greatness.

With hope as its' rallying point, "We Gambia" could rise above the petty differences and terminal weaknesses that have kept us divided and, consequently, rendered us perpetually incapable of achieving change. If we refuse to succumb to our fears, and instead allow hope to rule our actions, perhaps we will find the courage to proudly declare with a clear conscience and sincere heartfelt conviction that we are One Nation and One People with One Destiny. This is our desire. This is our dream.

Currently, our future - our destiny - looks no brighter than did the future of the pheasants of France before the French Revolution. However, after centuries of Feudalism, the masses took advantage of the precarious political climate in France to demand change - and the result was phenomenal.

Likewise, the masses of our nation should not neglect the opportunity to take advantage of the existing unsteadiness of the current dominant, and ineffective, political party. If ever there was a time to dethrone these entities - it is now. The nation's current political climate affords us the opportunity to demand change and expect phenomenal results.

Our loathsome past hangs around our necks like a heavy weight that could drown all hope. It is time to throw off the weights of tribalism and fear. It is time to hope again. The commoners of old have proven that with hope as our rallying point - poverty can be eradicated and the chasm between the rich and the poor can be bridged.

Why should our taxes and the fees (bribes) required by the government of Gambia build mansions for the "president & Co" while the rest of the country lives in squalor? Our future should not be at their mercy. In fact, their future is in our hands and it is time to turn the tables of power in our nation.

Down with Yahya & Co! Down with corruption! Let the people unite with hope as their beacon. Let us march as One People - to the beat of unity - into the streets and proclaim a new era of progress and prosperity for Gambia. Long live Democracy! Long live the People in happiness and peace! We are Taking Charge.

1 Commentaires

  1. Auteur

    Allons Y Molo

    En Octobre, 2010 (18:36 PM)
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