Vendredi 28 Février, 2025 á Dakar
Vendredi 01 Juin, 2018 +33

Coopération Sénégal-Usa en 2016 : 71 milliards Fcfa investis

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Revue annuelle conjointe du Programme de Coopération entre le Sénégal et l' USAID.

Le gouvernement du Sénégal et l’Usaid ont fait le point, hier, sur l’exécution des projets financés par l’agence américaine. En 2016, ce sont 71 milliards de francs Cfa qui ont été investis par le gouvernement américain dans quatre domaines prioritaires. Il s’agit de la santé, de l’éducation, de la croissance économique et de la bonne gouvernance démocratique.

La coopération entre le Sénégal et les Usa, qui a commencé en 1961, ne cesse de s’intensifier au fil des ans jusqu’à atteindre un montant cumulé d’environ 1.231 milliards de nos francs en 2016. Comme le souligne le quotidien « Le Soleil », cette enveloppe a été fortement gonflée par les engagements des Etats-Unis de 2010 à 2016. Durant cette période de six ans, le montant des engagements est estimé à plus de 40 milliards de francs Cfa. 

8 Commentaires

  1. Auteur

    Swiss Diaspora

    En Juin, 2017 (10:01 AM)
    Pourquoi vous nous parlez pas de combien en Dollars ou en Euro vous avez vendu notre Zirkon - Gaz - Petrole ...nos ressources minières!!!! Nos poissons et autres! Arretez de nous parlez en CFA !!!!!! Eux ces neocolonialistes comme la France / USA ne font qu'investir chez nous! Et la population dans tout cela? Nous ne sentons que la devaluation du CFA à Venir ...Hummmm (Noyer le poisson)...! Hummm
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  2. Auteur


    En Juin, 2017 (10:51 AM)
    As salamou aleykoum wa rahmatoul lah sama mbokk bopp.!

    Daniou djiss ni diamono bi ci wattsapp bi, ak ci facebook bi beurei na message yoyy diott gnoulayy wakh nga partagé ko. Bala ngay partagé khamal loy partagé sinon dina la dioureul ay mbougueul you tarr "Yeuwmal khiyam " Leip lougnou neik Yallah kham nako..Bilahi..!

    Yallah kham nani message yi am nassi yo kham ni dagno rakh cheytann..!

    Souniou yaguei lire yèneu message yi leigui suniou iman wathie..gnou bayi fii Yallah, deim diko weur fénènn..!

    Jeune génération bi meunou gnou détecté lolou...Cette génération est en danger !!! Par ce que ay mboukki you mboubbo dérou kharr dagno fii beurei...Donc vous les jeunes faites attention !!!

    Tei le pire moy so keu wakhei..gnounei da nga compliqué wala tu vois le mal partout, wala tu n'as rien compris, wala c'est juste une blague, wala dangayy diayy oustaz, wala deggo dinei ..ay you démé nonou..

    Kouffi wakh deugu gnounei wokho deugg, kouffi wakh ay nakhei ay nitt guèneu dila défendre.! Lii kènn khamoul foum gnou dieumei…

    Politicien djoguei feulei nieuw dignou sonnal ci ayy campagne électorale, thi ayy khékh, nékkeu di yéh fiit neu..!!! Politicien you beurei sèn intérêt bopp lagnouyy défendre, mais intérêt REWMI kou kayy défendre !?

    Keippeu kouma wakh wakh bou ndiagass balnala ci khol bou seiddeu gouyy, damay khamni reik dagua khamoul, Keippeu kou nittei sou djissei deugu rangnei ko.. !

    Wakh bi may wakh sakh dina am gnou keu beugu contredire, louma ci meun dara mais naniou yéwou neilaw bi doyynaa..!!

    Ramadan bi leigui mou diékh, demandons-nous koor gui laan laniou ci dieulei ? Sougn ci dieulei woul yokoutei ci dinei, djikko you bakh naniou kholatt suniou boppou...Déé (la mort) migui nieuw à grands pas, kèneu khamoul fann leu, kagn leu ak naka leu..Yiow mi di lire message bi sakh meun na am souba nga fatou.. ! Naniou délossi suniou khèl..


    Yalla naniou yallah may djiss djiss bou lèer gnou meuneu rangnei...bijahi Rassoul lahi Sallal lahou aleyhi wa salam ..!! Amine



    En Juin, 2017 (11:33 AM)
    amadou milliard


    En Juin, 2017 (15:16 PM)

    Et en voilà avec le sourire, mais qui rigolera une fois rentré chez lui "

    hahahahaha! Waaw! African people are amazing They give us freely their ressources.

    Freely! hahahahaha!

    Woow! Stupiiid they are. I can believe it! hahahahaha!

    They just sign, we smile,

    and nooow i'm just loud of laugh (ce détestable l.o.l !)

    Damn, these African are just too stupids.

    They just sign, and we are happy!

    Poor African, they need to wake up!

    But, i wonder the day the'll be ready to any such,

    we would depart with all their ressources,

    letting the nothing to guarantee their survival,

    nor that of their grand sons

    This is a terrible law of nature.

    The most barbarous with beautiful clothes

    must enchanted them with beautiful clauses,

    and more often than not, decorative diploms,

    that willl never help them to not to say development,

    for development in itself lays on fallacious ground,

    but to unfold, yes, to unflod,

    So they 'll become prosperous

    But right now, we hold them,

    like our pitiful preys.

    This is a darwinain law. That's all.


    Ndeysanne, Ndeysanns, Ndeysanne

    Yeuremandé Yalla



    En Juin, 2017 (16:01 PM)
    c'est tout simplement les bénéfices tirés des demandes de visas....arretons d'être naïfs !!!!!!
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    En Juin, 2017 (00:41 AM)
    Suddenly i come back

    and suddenly

    the previous informations

    were stuntingly forged,

    yes i say stuntingly forged.

    What's the matter with me?

    Well, Me Sir Senegalese,

    I come back to the site and what i find.

    That the first value assigned to the

    "so to say investment" of Usaid

    changed brutally from 1416 milliards de Franc CFA to

    71 milliards de FCA!!!!

    Hey be serious a little bit!

    Why are you forging the first version of your fait divers?

    Usaid is not serious by playing

    with "un pays envoie de développement"!

    Please, they had better to do

    with letting our country do the further step alone!

    Why are they attached to Senegal as "sangsue"

    Please, you don't give the visa freely,

    how can you believe my fellow citizen are enough mad

    to think that you can help Senegal

    Here i'll make the point of fact clear!

    Me, the "cioyen lambda" no longer need the useless help

    of usaid.

    If USAID seriously wants to help my country,

    they'll open the american boundaries,

    yessss, i say widely open the boundary

    if their country

    to let my people enter

    What's the matter?

    It's easy as 'Welcome senegalese people

    to your american land"

    But But But

    we have not that;

    instead, USAID is acting like France

    with hidden inerests.

    That's the reason why i say

    they are not serious

    And to conclude the matter

    Regarding the money 71 milliards de FCFA

    44 milliards de FCFA

    or 62 milliards de FCFA

    or why nor 71 000 000 00 milliards de FCFA,

    or Whatever!!!!

    It would be an "eternel recommencement"

    You know what i know!

    To be or to not be.

    I think i make the point enough clear

    for the useless intervention of such

    an institution useless there

    I take my leave,

    the gentlemennnnnn



    En Juin, 2017 (00:45 AM)
    Hey let my comment please,

    we are in democracy?

    Aren't you?

    so be nice


    En Juin, 2017 (00:45 AM)
    Suddenly i come back

    and suddenly

    the previous informations

    were stuntingly forged,

    yes i say stuntingly forged.

    What's the matter with me?

    Well, Me Sir Senegalese,

    I come back to the site and what i find.

    That the first value assigned to the

    "so to say investment" of Usaid

    changed brutally from 1416 milliards de Franc CFA to

    71 milliards de FCA!!!!

    Hey be serious a little bit!

    Why are you forging the first version of your fait divers?

    Usaid is not serious by playing

    with "un pays envoie de développement"!

    Please, they had better to do

    with letting our country do the further step alone!

    Why are they attached to Senegal as "sangsue"

    Please, you don't give the visa freely,

    how can you believe my fellow citizen are enough mad

    to think that you can help Senegal

    Here i'll make the point of fact clear!

    Me, the "cioyen lambda" no longer need the useless help

    of usaid.

    If USAID seriously wants to help my country,

    they'll open the american boundaries,

    yessss, i say widely open the boundary

    if their country

    to let my people enter

    What's the matter?

    It's easy as 'Welcome senegalese people

    to your american land"

    But But But

    we have not that;

    instead, USAID is acting like France

    with hidden inerests.

    That's the reason why i say

    they are not serious

    And to conclude the matter

    Regarding the money 71 milliards de FCFA

    44 milliards de FCFA

    or 62 milliards de FCFA

    or why nor 71 000 000 00 milliards de FCFA,

    or Whatever!!!!

    It would be an "eternel recommencement"

    You know what i know!

    To be or to not be.

    I think i make the point enough clear

    for the useless intervention of such

    an institution useless there

    I take my leave,

    the gentlemennnnnn

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    Commentaire :

    Suddenly i come back

    and suddenly

    the previous informations

    were stuntingly forged,

    yes i say stuntingly forged.

    What's the matter with me?

    Well, Me Sir Senegalese,

    I come back to the site and what i find.

    That the first value assigned to the

    "so to say investment" of Usaid

    changed brutally from 1416 milliards de Franc CFA to

    71 milliards de FCA!!!!

    Hey be serious a little bit!

    Why are you forging the first version of your fait divers?

    Usaid is not serious by playing

    with "un pays envoie de développement"!

    Please, they had better to do

    with letting our country do the further step alone!

    Why are they attached to Senegal as "sangsue"

    Please, you don't give the visa freely,

    how can you believe my fellow citizen are enough mad

    to think that you can help Senegal

    Here i'll make the point of fact clear!

    Me, the "cioyen lambda" no longer need the useless help

    of usaid.

    If USAID seriously wants to help my country,

    they'll open the american boundaries,

    yessss, i say widely open the boundary

    if their country

    to let my people enter

    What's the matter?

    It's easy as 'Welcome senegalese people

    to your american land"

    But But But

    we have not that;

    instead, USAID is acting like France

    with hidden inerests.

    That's the reason why i say

    they are not serious

    And to conclude the matter

    Regarding the money 71 milliards de FCFA

    44 milliards de FCFA

    or 62 milliards de FCFA

    or why nor 71 000 000 00 milliards de FCFA,

    or Whatever!!!!

    It would be an "eternel recommencement"

    You know what i know!

    To be or to not be.

    I think i make the point enough clear

    for the useless intervention of such

    an institution useless there

    I take my leave,

    the gentlemennnnnn


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